Breaking The 5-Way Loop of Cognitive Bias of arrogance in software programming skills

Behavioral Analytics Spiral
Discover how to destroy the 5-way loop of cognitive bias in software coding, breaking the cycle of extreme pride & fostering a more balanced & broad mindset.


In the ever-evolving world of technology, software development has emerged as one of the most revered and sought-after skills. Coding abilities are often lauded as the pinnacle of intellectual prowess, with software developers occupying a place of prestige within the tech industry and beyond. This high regard, however, can sometimes foster a sense of overweening pride among developers, leading to a host of prejudices and biases that can stifle personal growth, hinder team dynamics, and perpetuate a narrow view of what constitutes valuable knowledge and skills.

The phenomenon of extreme prejudice over software development skills is not merely a matter of personal arrogance; it reflects deeper cognitive biases that can create a looping cycle of reinforcement, further entrenching these prejudices. At the heart of this issue lies a 5-way looping loop of cognitive bias, where each layer of assumption reinforces the next, creating a robust but flawed belief system.

The initial assumption that coding abilities are the ultimate measure of intelligence and worth can set off a chain reaction of biases that impact a developer’s interactions, decisions, and perceptions. For instance, the belief that coding is inherently superior to other forms of knowledge can lead to the undervaluation of non-technical skills and disciplines, fostering a myopic view that overlooks the contributions of those who excel in all non coding areas such as design, human resources, training and education, sports and fitness, music and entertainment, IT Project management, and user experience etc.

This cycle of cognitive bias can manifest in various ways within the tech industry. Developers may become dismissive of colleagues who lack technical expertise, creating an environment where collaboration and interdisciplinary innovation are stifled. The overemphasis on coding skills can also lead to an exclusionary culture that marginalizes those who bring diverse perspectives and backgrounds, thereby reducing the overall creativity and effectiveness of a team. Furthermore, this bias can hinder developers’ personal growth by trapping them in a narrow skill set, limiting their ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing technological landscape.

Understanding and breaking this 5-way loop of cognitive bias is crucial for fostering a more inclusive, dynamic, and effective tech industry. It involves recognizing the initial assumptions that give rise to these biases, examining their validity, and actively seeking out counterexamples that challenge entrenched beliefs. Just as in software engineering, where identifying and correcting bugs is essential for creating robust systems, addressing cognitive biases requires a systematic approach that involves continuous self-reflection, learning, and adaptation.

Drawing parallels between cognitive biases and software engineering can provide valuable insights into this process. In software development, the identification of a flaw or bug necessitates a thorough examination of the code, often revealing deeper issues that need to be addressed. Similarly, recognizing a cognitive bias involves looking beyond surface-level assumptions to understand the underlying beliefs and experiences that shape one’s perspective. This process is not merely academic; it has practical implications for how developers interact with their colleagues, approach problem-solving, and contribute to their teams and organizations.

The journey towards breaking the cycle of cognitive bias in software development is also about embracing a more holistic view of knowledge and skills. It requires valuing the diverse contributions that different disciplines bring to the table and recognizing that true innovation often arises from the intersection of various fields. By fostering an environment where all forms of expertise are respected and integrated, the tech industry can tap into a richer vein of creativity and problem-solving potential.

Moreover, addressing cognitive biases is not solely about professional development; it also has profound implications for personal growth. The ability to challenge one’s assumptions, remain open to new ideas, and appreciate the value of diverse perspectives is essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world. In this sense, the process of breaking cognitive biases in software development parallels the broader journey of lifelong learning and self-improvement.

In conclusion, the overweening pride in coding abilities and the resulting cognitive biases represent a significant challenge within the tech industry. However, by applying a systematic approach to understanding and breaking these biases, developers can foster a more inclusive, innovative, and effective personal environment that helps them in navigating challenges that erupt in the life outside computer screens, life outside cubicles by focusing on gaining life wisdom from the streets.

This journey involves critical self examination of self and environment in equal measure by recognizing the initial assumptions, examining their validity, seeking out counterexamples, and embracing a holistic view of knowledge and skills. Just as in software engineering, where identifying and correcting flaws is essential for creating robust systems, addressing cognitive biases is crucial for personal and professional growth. The following article delves into the 5-way looping loop of cognitive bias in software development, offering insights and strategies for breaking this cycle and fostering a more dynamic and inclusive tech industry.

Understanding and Breaking Extreme Prejudice Over coding skills: The 5-Way Loop of Cognitive Bias

In the realm of software development, a particularly insidious form of cognitive bias can emerge, characterized by intellectual snobbishness and overweening pride in one’s coding abilities. This form of bias manifests in what can be termed as a “5-way looping loop,” where developers become ensnared in a cyclical pattern of assumptions and validations that reinforce their superiority complex. This loop not only hinders personal and professional growth but also undermines team dynamics, innovation, and overall project success. To foster a more collaborative and progressive environment, it is essential to understand and break this 5-way loop of cognitive bias.

Real-World Example: Prejudice Over Software Development Skills

Initial Assumption: “My coding skills make me confident about my overall understanding of life and superior to others.”

The initial assumption in this cognitive bias loop starts with the belief that superior coding skills equate to a broader, superior understanding of life and a general sense of superiority over others. This foundational belief often stems from the recognition and validation that come with mastering a highly sought-after technical skill. The tech industry, with its significant emphasis on coding prowess, can amplify this perception, leading individuals to overestimate their abilities in areas beyond their technical domain.

First Loop:

Assumption: “My superior software programming skills mean my solutions are always the best and can be applied across subjects in diverse domains and other areas of life be it life experiences, relationships, advising others in non-technical areas of life like career choices, location change, conflict resolution issues, adaptation and flexibility issues, and many more.”

Loop: The individual starts believing that their technical prowess ensures their solutions are the most effective, leading to dismissive attitudes toward alternative approaches and fostering a culture of intellectual arrogance.

Detailed Explanation & Assumption Breakdown:

At this stage, the coder’s confidence in their technical abilities expands into other areas of life. The individual starts to assume that their problem-solving skills, honed through coding, are universally applicable. They believe that the logical frameworks and methodologies used in software development can seamlessly transfer to solving complex personal and interpersonal issues. This assumption leads to an overconfidence in their ability to offer solutions and advice on a wide array of subjects outside their expertise.

  1. Overconfidence in Problem-Solving Abilities:
    • Life Experiences: They may believe that their methodical approach to coding equips them to handle life’s unpredictable nature, assuming that life’s complexities can be broken down into solvable problems like a piece of code.
    • Relationships: They might apply logical, step-by-step problem-solving techniques to relationships, failing to consider the emotional and nuanced aspects of human interactions.
    • Non-Technical Advice: They may feel qualified to give advice on career choices, geographical relocations, conflict resolution, adaptability, and more, often without the necessary contextual understanding or emotional intelligence required in these areas.

Loop Manifestation:

This assumption translates into behavior and attitudes that reinforce the initial bias:

  1. Dismissive Attitudes:
    • The individual begins to dismiss alternative approaches and viewpoints, especially those from non-technical backgrounds. They may see their solutions as inherently superior, leading to a lack of openness to other perspectives.
    • They might undervalue the input of others, especially those who do not share their technical background, considering their own logic-based solutions as universally applicable.
  2. Intellectual Arrogance:
    • This attitude fosters a culture of intellectual arrogance, where the individual places undue importance on their technical expertise.
    • They may fail to recognize the importance of soft skills, emotional intelligence, and other non-technical attributes that are crucial for holistic problem-solving and human interaction.
  3. Negative Impact on Interpersonal Relationships:
    • This intellectual arrogance can strain relationships, both personal and professional. Colleagues, friends, and family may feel undervalued or disrespected, leading to friction and misunderstandings.
    • The individual’s inability to appreciate the complexity and nuance of non-technical problems can result in ineffective or even damaging advice.
  4. Reinforcement of Bias:
    • Successes in their technical field reinforce the belief in the universality of their problem-solving skills, creating a feedback loop that entrenches the bias further.
    • They may selectively remember instances where their technical approach worked in non-technical scenarios, while ignoring or rationalizing failures.

Breaking the Loop:

To dismantle this first loop of cognitive bias, a multifaceted approach is necessary:

  1. Self-Awareness and Reflection:
    • Encouraging self-reflection on the limits of one’s expertise can help in recognizing that coding skills, while valuable, do not automatically confer expertise in all areas of life.
    • Developing an understanding that different domains require different skills and approaches can temper overconfidence.
  2. Seeking Diverse Perspectives:
    • Actively seeking out and valuing diverse perspectives can counteract the dismissive attitude towards alternative approaches. Engaging with people from varied backgrounds and disciplines can provide a more balanced view.
    • Embracing interdisciplinary learning and appreciating the value of non-technical skills can foster a more holistic approach to problem-solving.
  3. Continuous Learning and Adaptability:
    • Emphasizing the importance of continuous learning beyond technical skills can broaden one’s understanding and reduce intellectual arrogance.
    • Recognizing that adaptability and flexibility are key components of effective problem-solving in both technical and non-technical domains.
  4. Humility and Emotional Intelligence:
    • Cultivating humility and emotional intelligence can enhance interpersonal relationships and reduce the negative impact of intellectual arrogance.
    • Understanding and valuing emotional and social dimensions in problem-solving can lead to more effective and empathetic solutions.
  5. Feedback and Mentorship:
    • Seeking feedback from mentors and peers, especially those from non-technical backgrounds, can provide valuable insights and help in recognizing and overcoming biases.
    • Engaging in mentorship roles with a focus on holistic development rather than just technical skills can foster a more balanced perspective.

By addressing these areas, individuals can break the first loop of cognitive bias, paving the way for a more nuanced and effective approach to both technical and non-technical challenges. This process not only enhances personal growth but also contributes to a more inclusive and collaborative environment in both professional and personal spheres.

Second Loop:

Assumption: “Others’ ideas are less valuable because they lack my logical reasoning that emerges out of coding expertise.”

Loop: The person assumes that contributions or inputs and suggestions from team members or even people in their social circle without a tech background or the same level of coding expertise are inherently inferior as they do not come out of sound reason. This creates a fixed and snobbish mindset that associates logical reasoning with coding and tech background, devalues diverse perspectives of various kinds on various aspects of life like relationships, social conduct, mannerisms, emotional aptitude, wisdom of the streets outside the computer screens, books, and classrooms, makes one difficult to get along with, and impacts collaboration efforts not only in professional spheres but also in personal spheres.

Detailed Explanation of the Second Loop

Initial Assumption: “Others’ ideas are less valuable because they lack my logical reasoning that emerges out of coding expertise.”

1. Assumption: “My logical reasoning, developed through coding, is superior.”

Loop: The individual believes that their logical reasoning, honed through coding, is inherently superior to that of others. This belief stems from the rigorous problem-solving and analytical skills required in software development, leading them to view their cognitive processes as more advanced and reliable. Consequently, they start to discount the ideas and contributions of those without a similar technical background, assuming that their reasoning is flawed or less valuable.

2. Assumption: “Contributions from non-tech individuals are inherently inferior.”

Loop: Building on the initial assumption, the individual concludes that any input from non-tech individuals must be less valuable. They dismiss ideas and suggestions from non-technical peers without proper consideration, believing that non-coders lack the logical rigor necessary to provide worthwhile insights. This results in a narrow focus on technical reasoning and a disregard for the diverse perspectives that can enrich problem-solving.

3. Assumption: “Logical reasoning is synonymous with coding expertise.”

Loop: The individual starts to equate logical reasoning exclusively with coding expertise, overlooking the fact that logical reasoning can be developed through various disciplines and life experiences. This creates a fixed mindset that associates high-level thinking solely with technical skills, thereby undervaluing the insights of those who may possess strong reasoning abilities but come from different backgrounds.

4. Assumption: “Diverse perspectives lack logical foundation.”

Loop: The belief in the superiority of technical reasoning leads the individual to assume that diverse perspectives lack a logical foundation. They fail to recognize that different viewpoints can offer valuable insights and solutions. This mindset devalues contributions from people with different life experiences, such as those who possess emotional intelligence, cultural knowledge, or practical wisdom gained from non-technical fields.

5. Assumption: “My approach to reasoning and problem-solving is the most valid.”

Loop: Finally, the individual solidifies their cognitive bias by believing that their approach to reasoning and problem-solving is the most valid. They see no need to reconsider their assumptions, leading to intellectual arrogance and a lack of openness to alternative ideas. This results in difficulties in collaboration, as they dismiss the input of others and struggle to work effectively in teams.

Breaking the Second Loop

1. Identification:

  • Recognize the Root Assumption: “Others’ ideas are less valuable because they lack my logical reasoning that emerges out of coding expertise.”
  • Understand that this belief creates a barrier to effective collaboration and innovation.

2. Examination:

  • Questioning Validity: “Are ideas from non-tech individuals truly less valuable? Do diverse perspectives contribute to better problem-solving?”
  • Investigate the value of diverse perspectives in problem-solving by reviewing case studies and research that highlight successful collaborative efforts. Look for examples where non-technical insights have led to innovative solutions.

3. Challenging the Assumption:

  • Seeking Counterexamples: “Are there instances where non-tech individuals have provided valuable contributions? How have diverse perspectives enriched problem-solving processes?”
  • Explore stories and examples of successful projects that benefited from interdisciplinary collaboration. Identify scenarios where non-technical team members played a crucial role in achieving positive outcomes.

4. Reconstruction:

  • Forming a Balanced Belief: “While my logical reasoning is valuable, diverse perspectives from non-tech individuals can enhance problem-solving and lead to better outcomes.”
  • Develop a new belief that values the integration of technical expertise with diverse viewpoints. Recognize that effective problem-solving requires collaboration and openness to different ideas and approaches.

5. Practice and Reinforcement:

  • Ongoing Practice: “I will actively seek and value contributions from non-tech individuals, fostering a collaborative environment that embraces diverse perspectives.”
  • Engage in activities that promote teamwork and collaboration. Encourage open discussions and actively listen to the ideas and suggestions of all team members, regardless of their technical background. Celebrate the successes achieved through collaborative efforts and continuously seek opportunities to learn from diverse perspectives.


Breaking the second loop of cognitive bias involves challenging the assumption that non-tech individuals’ ideas are inherently inferior and recognizing the value of diverse perspectives in problem-solving. By fostering a collaborative environment and embracing different viewpoints, individuals can enhance their problem-solving abilities and achieve more innovative and effective outcomes. This shift in mindset not only improves team dynamics but also promotes personal growth and learning, leading to a more inclusive and dynamic approach to software development and beyond.

By acknowledging and addressing these cognitive biases, individuals can move towards a more balanced and holistic approach to problem-solving, recognizing the importance of both technical expertise and diverse perspectives in achieving success. This journey requires ongoing practice, self-reflection, and a commitment to valuing and integrating different ideas and approaches in all aspects of life and work.

Third Loop: The Illusion of Technical Superiority

Assumption: “Only technical skills matter in software development as they create a security blanket, give one superior IQ, and provide a passport for overall success in life.”

Loop: Due to previous assumptions, the individual focuses solely on technical skills, neglecting the importance of other right-brain areas like experiencing the world from the lens of travel, food and culture, cultural exchange, valuing diverse perspectives, adaptability and flexibility, managing conflicts arising out of one’s own prejudices, navigating cultural challenges, communication barriers, social skills, and emotional aptitude. This narrow focus reinforces their belief in the primacy of coding abilities and that other non-technical areas like sports and fitness, music and creative arts, dance, and writing do not manifest skills required to navigate the challenges of life or even have a good life.

Detailed Explanation of the Third Loop

  1. Initial Assumption:
    • “Only technical skills matter in software development as they create a security blanket, give one superior IQ, and provide a passport for overall success in life.”
    • This belief originates from the confidence and validation the individual receives from their coding expertise. They see technical skills as the ultimate measure of intelligence and success.
  2. First Level of the Loop:
    • Assumption: “My superior coding skills mean my solutions are always the best and can be applied across various domains and aspects of life.”
    • Loop: The individual begins to believe that their technical skills give them a superior understanding of other areas of life, such as relationships, career choices, conflict resolution, and adaptability. This reinforces their reliance on technical skills as the ultimate problem-solving tool.
  3. Second Level of the Loop:
    • Assumption: “Others’ ideas are less valuable because they lack my logical reasoning that emerges out of coding expertise.”
    • Loop: The person starts to devalue contributions from those without similar technical expertise, leading to a dismissive attitude towards non-technical skills and experiences. This fosters intellectual arrogance and a fixed mindset.
  4. Third Level of the Loop:
    • Assumption: “Only technical skills matter in software development as they create a security blanket, give one superior IQ, and provide a passport for overall success in life.”
    • Loop: The individual focuses exclusively on honing their technical skills, neglecting the development of right-brain areas such as cultural experiences, adaptability, conflict management, and emotional intelligence. They believe that mastering technical skills is sufficient for overall life success.
  5. Fourth Level of the Loop:
    • Assumption: “Engaging in non-technical areas like sports, music, or arts is a waste of time and does not contribute to my professional success.”
    • Loop: This belief leads to a narrow focus on technical development, ignoring the holistic benefits of engaging in diverse activities. The individual misses out on the personal growth and life skills that come from these experiences.
  6. Fifth level of the loop:
    • Assumption: “My technical skills alone will ensure my success in all areas of life.
    • Loop: The individual becomes over-reliant on their technical expertise, assuming it will translate into success in all aspects of life. This assumption blinds them to the importance of soft skills, emotional intelligence, and cultural awareness, which are critical for navigating real-world challenges and achieving holistic success.

Breaking the Third Loop

1. Identification:

  • Recognize the Root Assumption: “Only technical skills matter in software development as they create a security blanket, give one superior IQ, and provide a passport for overall success in life.”
  • Acknowledge that this belief is overly simplistic and fails to consider the multifaceted nature of life and success.

2. Examination:

  • Questioning Validity: “Are technical skills alone sufficient for overall success in life?”
  • Investigate the limitations of relying solely on technical skills by seeking evidence and experiences that highlight the importance of soft skills, emotional intelligence, and cultural awareness.

3. Challenging the Assumption:

  • Seeking Counterexamples: “Are there individuals who, despite exceptional technical skills, have faced challenges due to a lack of soft skills and cultural awareness?”
  • Explore stories and examples of successful individuals who emphasize the importance of holistic development, such as renowned leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators who attribute their success to a balanced skill set.

4. Reconstruction:

  • Forming a Balanced Belief: “While technical skills are crucial in software development, they are not the sole determinants of success. Soft skills, emotional intelligence, cultural awareness, and life experiences play equally important roles.”
  • Develop a new belief that recognizes the value of a diverse skill set and the importance of continuous personal growth in various areas.

5. Practice and Reinforcement:

  • Ongoing Practice: “I will actively seek to develop my soft skills, cultural awareness, and emotional intelligence alongside my technical skills.”
  • Engage in activities that promote holistic development, such as traveling, learning new languages, participating in cultural exchanges, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in creative pursuits. Encourage collaboration with people from diverse backgrounds and fields to broaden perspectives.


The overweening pride in coding abilities often leads to a narrow, myopic view of success, creating a cognitive bias loop that can stifle personal growth and holistic development. By breaking the five-way loop of cognitive bias, individuals can move beyond the confines of their technical expertise and embrace a more balanced approach to life. Recognizing that success is multifaceted and that soft skills, cultural awareness, and emotional intelligence are crucial components of a fulfilling and successful life is essential. Engaging in diverse experiences, valuing different perspectives, and continuously challenging one’s assumptions are key steps toward achieving true cognitive clarity and overall success.

Ultimately, while technical skills are vital, they are only one piece of the puzzle. A well-rounded individual who appreciates the complexities of human experiences and interactions will be better equipped to navigate the challenges of life, both professionally and personally. This broader perspective not only enhances one’s ability to solve problems but also fosters a more inclusive, empathetic, and effective approach to living and working in a diverse world.

Fourth Loop:

Assumption: “Technical skills should be the primary criterion for career advancement as only superior technical skills are primary measures of success and evolution.”

Loop: The belief in the supremacy of technical skills leads to advocating for evolution and career progression based primarily on coding abilities where other creative areas like music, dance, painting, drawing, sports etc. get neglected or even are looked down upon. This biases the individual’s perception of merit, overvalues the external parameters of success based on competition with others while undervaluing the essence of learning through principles honed through unselfish devotion to non-material goals, non-competitive ideologies of minimalism, and intrinsic ideas of success, holistic abilities, and happiness devoid of competition or constant comparison with others.

Detailed Explanation of the Fourth Loop

Initial Assumption: “Technical skills should be the primary criterion for career advancement as only superior technical skills are primary measures of success and evolution.”

1. Assumption: “Technical skills should be the primary criterion for career advancement.”

Loop: The individual believes that technical prowess is the main determinant of career progression. This assumption leads to a focus on enhancing technical abilities at the expense of other skills. As a result, the individual may neglect or undervalue the importance of soft skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence. This perspective fosters an environment where only technical achievements are recognized and rewarded, creating a narrow definition of success.

2. Assumption: “Superior technical skills are the primary measures of success and evolution.”

Loop: Building on the first assumption, the individual equates technical skill with overall success and personal evolution. This leads to a competitive mindset where one’s worth is measured solely by their technical accomplishments. Creative endeavors and non-technical skills are often dismissed as less important, perpetuating a culture that undervalues holistic development. This can result in burnout, stress, and a lack of fulfillment as the individual continuously chases technical perfection while ignoring other aspects of life.

3. Assumption: “Evolution and career progression should be based primarily on coding abilities.”

Loop: This belief further entrenches the idea that career advancement is linked exclusively to technical performance. The individual may push for workplace policies and practices that prioritize technical skills over all else, contributing to a workplace culture that overlooks the importance of diverse talents. This can marginalize individuals with strong creative skills or those who bring different perspectives to the table, stifling innovation and collaboration.

4. Assumption: “Creative areas like music, dance, painting, drawing, sports, etc., are less valuable.”

Loop: The individual starts to see non-technical pursuits as distractions or hobbies rather than valuable skills. This assumption diminishes the perceived importance of activities that foster creativity, emotional resilience, and well-being. By devaluing these areas, the individual misses out on opportunities to develop a well-rounded skill set, leading to an imbalanced approach to personal and professional growth.

5. Assumption: “Success is measured by competition with others.”

Loop: The focus on competition and comparison becomes a primary driver of success. This mindset values external validation and achievements over intrinsic motivation and personal fulfillment. The individual becomes more concerned with outperforming peers rather than pursuing meaningful goals or developing a unique set of skills. This competitive approach can lead to a sense of inadequacy and dissatisfaction, as success is always measured against others rather than personal benchmarks.

Breaking the Fourth Loop

1. Identification:

  • Recognize the Root Assumption: “Technical skills should be the primary criterion for career advancement as only superior technical skills are primary measures of success and evolution.”
  • Understand that this belief is limiting and does not consider the broader aspects of career and personal development.

2. Examination:

  • Questioning Validity: “Are technical skills alone sufficient for career advancement and overall success?”
  • Investigate the role of soft skills, creativity, emotional intelligence, and other non-technical abilities in achieving success and fulfillment. Look for evidence in career development literature and personal success stories that highlight the importance of a balanced skill set.

3. Challenging the Assumption:

  • Seeking Counterexamples: “Are there successful individuals who attribute their achievements to a combination of technical and non-technical skills?”
  • Explore stories and examples of leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators who emphasize the importance of creativity, emotional intelligence, and holistic development. Identify role models who have successfully integrated diverse skills into their career paths.

4. Reconstruction:

  • Forming a Balanced Belief: “While technical skills are important, they are not the sole determinants of career advancement and success. A combination of technical expertise, soft skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence is crucial for holistic development.”
  • Develop a new belief that values a diverse set of skills and recognizes the importance of continuous personal growth in various areas. Emphasize the value of non-technical pursuits and their role in fostering well-rounded development.

5. Practice and Reinforcement:

  • Ongoing Practice: “I will actively seek to develop my soft skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence alongside my technical skills.”
  • Engage in activities that promote holistic development, such as participating in creative pursuits, practicing mindfulness, seeking feedback, and collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Encourage a workplace culture that values and rewards a wide range of skills and contributions.


Breaking the fourth loop of cognitive bias involves challenging the assumption that technical skills are the primary measure of success and career advancement. By recognizing the value of soft skills, creativity, emotional intelligence, and diverse experiences, individuals can develop a more balanced approach to personal and professional growth. This shift in perspective fosters a culture that values holistic development, collaboration, and intrinsic motivation, ultimately leading to more fulfilling and sustainable success.

The journey to cognitive clarity and breaking these loops requires ongoing practice, self-reflection, and a commitment to embracing diverse perspectives and experiences. By cultivating a mindset that values continuous learning and personal growth, individuals can navigate the complexities of life and career with greater resilience, adaptability, and fulfillment.

Fifth Loop:

Assumption: “My perspective on software development and its evolutionary role in life is justified and needs no re-evaluation.”

Loop: Finally, the individual believes that their view on the importance of coding skills is entirely justified, seeing no need to reconsider their assumptions while the importance of critical examination of self and the surrounding environment or nature in equal measure is totally ignored or falsified and its role in evolution undermined. This solidifies the bias and perpetuates intellectual snobbishness where a life of self-reflection, looking into the mirror with deep thinking, and critical examination of self and nature and environment in equal measure becomes compromised or next to impossible. The wisdom and evolution due to the joy of simple pleasures derived from experience through travel, food, and culture become almost obsolete.

Detailed Explanation of the Fifth Loop

Initial Assumption: “My perspective on software development and its evolutionary role in life is justified and needs no re-evaluation.”

1. Assumption: “My perspective on software development is entirely justified.”

Loop: The individual holds firm in their belief that their approach and understanding of software development are correct. This confidence leads to a dismissal of alternative viewpoints and an unwillingness to consider other perspectives. It fosters a sense of intellectual superiority, creating an environment where the individual’s ideas are rarely questioned or challenged.

2. Assumption: “There is no need to reconsider my assumptions.”

Loop: Building on the initial assumption, the individual becomes resistant to self-reflection and re-evaluation. They perceive their current understanding as the ultimate truth, ignoring the possibility of growth and learning from others. This fixed mindset stifles personal and professional development, as the individual avoids critical examination and feedback.

3. Assumption: “Critical examination of self and the surrounding environment is unnecessary.”

Loop: The belief that self-reflection and environmental awareness are unnecessary further entrenches the individual’s cognitive biases. They fail to see the value in introspection and understanding the world beyond their technical domain. This leads to a lack of holistic development and an inability to connect with the broader aspects of life, such as culture, nature, and human relationships.

4. Assumption: “Life experiences like travel, food, and culture are irrelevant to my growth.”

Loop: The individual disregards the importance of diverse life experiences, viewing them as unrelated to their professional growth. This assumption prevents them from exploring the richness of different cultures, cuisines, and places, which can offer valuable insights and broaden their worldview. It limits their ability to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and the wisdom that comes from engaging with the world in a holistic manner.

5. Assumption: “My intellectual snobbishness is justified and does not need to be addressed.”

Loop: Finally, the individual becomes entrenched in their intellectual arrogance, believing that their superiority in technical skills exempts them from the need for humility and open-mindedness. This solidifies their cognitive biases and makes it difficult to engage in meaningful self-reflection or growth. It creates a barrier to understanding and appreciating the interconnectedness of all aspects of life, from professional to personal experiences.

Breaking the Fifth Loop

1. Identification:

  • Recognize the Root Assumption: “My perspective on software development and its evolutionary role in life is justified and needs no re-evaluation.”
  • Understand that this belief is limiting and prevents holistic growth and development.

2. Examination:

  • Questioning Validity: “Is my perspective on software development truly comprehensive and without need for re-evaluation?”
  • Investigating the value of self-reflection, critical examination, and diverse life experiences in fostering personal and professional evolution helps in examination of the loop of assumption. Looking for examples or references or people who emphasize the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement also helps one in cross examination of the root assumptions.

3. Challenging the Assumption:

  • Seeking Counterexamples: “Are there individuals who have grown by reconsidering their assumptions and embracing diverse experiences?”
  • Exploring stories and examples of people who have benefited from self-reflection, travel, cultural engagement, and holistic development. Identifying reference models (instead of role model so that it doesn’t develop into authority bias) who demonstrate the value of humility and open mind helps in challenging the assumptions

4. Reconstruction:

  • Forming a Balanced Belief: “While technical skills are important, continuous self-reflection, understanding the environment, and embracing diverse experiences are crucial for holistic growth and evolution.”
  • Developing a new belief that values the integration of technical expertise with a commitment to self-improvement, environmental awareness, and the appreciation of diverse life experiences helps in reconstruction

5. Practice and Reinforcement:

  • Ongoing Practice: “I will actively seek to engage in self-reflection, critical examination, and diverse experiences alongside my technical development.”
  • Engaging in activities that promote holistic evolution, such as cultural exchanges, travel, and exploring new cuisines helps in embracing a culture of people centricity, develop humility and broad & open mind in both personal and professional settings.


Breaking the fifth loop of cognitive bias involves challenging the assumption that one’s perspective on software development is the ultimate truth and requires no re-evaluation. By recognizing the importance of self-reflection, critical examination, and diverse life experiences, individuals can develop a more balanced and holistic approach to growth and evolution. This shift in perspective fosters a culture of humility, open-mindedness, and continuous learning, leading to more meaningful and fulfilling personal and professional lives.

The journey to cognitive clarity and breaking these loops requires ongoing practice, self-reflection, and a commitment to embracing diverse perspectives and experiences. By cultivating a mindset that values continuous learning and personal growth, individuals can navigate the complexities of life and career with greater resilience, adaptability, and fulfillment. This holistic approach not only enhances professional success but also enriches personal well-being, fostering a deeper connection with the world and the people around us.

Breaking the 5-Way Loop of Cognitive Bias in Software Development


  • Initial Assumption: “My coding skills make me superior to others.”
  • Critically self examine and recognize that this belief is the root of the cognitive bias and is reinforced through multiple layers of assumptions.


  • Questioning Validity: “Are my coding skills truly the sole determinant of my value? Do technical skills alone ensure the best solutions?”
  • Investigate the validity of these assumptions by seeking out evidence and stories that highlight the importance of diverse skills and perspectives not only in successful software development projects but also other areas of life. For example, many successful projects involve collaboration, effective communication, and interdisciplinary knowledge.

Challenging the Assumption:

  • Seeking Counterexamples: “Are there team members whose non-technical skills have significantly contributed to our success and are there people around me in my friends and family whose non coding skills have had significant impact on the lives of others? Are there situations where collaboration led to better outcomes?”
  • Exploring stories and examples of not only team members but also of people outside professional life whose contributions in diverse fields and non coding or software development areas be it personal sphere of friendships, hobby projects with siblings, or be it human resources management, user experience, or be it just simple strategic thinking, how have those people and their inputs or contribution driven success around them


  • Forming a Balanced Belief: “While technical skills are important, they are not the sole determinant of success. Diverse skills and perspectives are crucial for effective software development.”
  • Develop a new belief that recognizes the value of a holistic approach to software development, where technical and non-technical skills complement each other. Understand that effective problem-solving requires collaboration and a broad range of competencies.

Practice and Reinforcement:

  • Ongoing Practice: “I will seek to appreciate and leverage the diverse skills and perspectives of not only my team members but also of people outside work in friend and family, valuing their contributions beyond technical skills in all round impact on their immediate surroundings.”
  • Engage in activities that challenge your biases and promote a more inclusive approach to software development. For instance, participate in cross-functional teams, seek feedback from peers with different skill sets, and actively practice empathy and open-mindedness in your interactions.

Fostering a Balanced Perspective in Software Development

The journey to breaking the 5-way loop of cognitive bias of Prejudiced Mind of a Software Developer is challenging but essential for personal and professional evolution. By recognizing the limitations of an overemphasis on technical skills and embracing a more holistic approach to learning and collaboration, developers like Alex can overcome intellectual snobbishness and arrogance.

This transformation not only benefits the individual but also enhances team dynamics, innovation, and project success. Ultimately, it fosters a more inclusive and progressive environment where diverse talents and perspectives are valued, leading to greater overall success in the field of software development.


The intricate landscape of software development is not only shaped by technical prowess but also by the cognitive frameworks and biases that developers bring to their work. “The Overweening Pride in Coding Abilities – Understanding and Breaking Extreme Prejudice Over Software Development Skills” explores the deeply entrenched biases that can arise from an overemphasis on coding skills, tracing the origins and impacts of these biases through a 5-way looping loop of cognitive assumptions. As we reflect on this phenomenon, several key insights emerge that extend beyond the technical discussions and touch upon the broader implications for personal growth, team dynamics, and the future of the tech industry.

One major insight is the profound influence of cognitive diversity on innovation and problem-solving. While the main body of the article addresses the immediate impacts of biases on teamwork and collaboration, it is essential to recognize that cognitive diversity—the inclusion of varied thought processes, problem-solving approaches, and perspectives—serves as a catalyst for creativity and breakthrough innovations. When teams are composed of individuals with diverse cognitive frameworks, they are better equipped to tackle complex problems, identify novel solutions, and adapt to changing circumstances. Thus, overcoming cognitive biases in software development is not just about fostering inclusivity; it is about unlocking the full potential of collective intelligence and creativity.

Another significant insight pertains to the role of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills in software development. The main discussion often centers on technical abilities and the biases that stem from them, yet emotional intelligence—comprising self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication—is equally crucial.

Developers with high emotional intelligence can navigate interpersonal conflicts, build strong relationships, and create an easy to work and easy to relate and get along with free and flexible environment. These skills are indispensable not only for developing bonds within personal and professional settings, but also for fostering lasting and meaningful relationships by ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard and valued.

Addressing cognitive biases necessitates a holistic approach that integrates critical examination of not only self but also of environment and nature that manifests real emotional intelligence. Furthermore, the journey to breaking cognitive biases highlights the importance of continuous learning and adaptability. The tech industry evolves at a rapid pace, and the ability to learn, unlearn, and relearn is vital for staying relevant.

The overweening pride in coding abilities can often lead to a fixed mindset, where developers resist alternative view points and adaptability to new situations in both personal and professional spheres. Cultivating an evolutionary mindset—one that embraces challenges, persists in the face of setbacks, and sees effort as a path to mastery—is essential for personal and professional evolution.

The article also underscores the necessity of integrating ethics into software development education and practice. Cognitive biases can lead to ethical blind spots, where developers may inadvertently create systems that reinforce inequality or cause harm. Ethical training helps developers to critically evaluate the broader impacts of their work and make decisions that prioritize societal well-being.

This involves not only understanding the technical aspects of software development but also considering the ethical implications of design choices, data usage, and algorithmic decisions. By embedding ethical considerations into the fabric of software development, the tech industry can contribute to building a more just and equitable society.

In addition, the parallels between cognitive biases in software development and broader societal prejudices offer valuable lessons for addressing systemic issues. The mechanisms of bias—such as stereotyping, confirmation bias, and in-group favoritism—are not unique to the tech industry; they permeate all areas of life. The strategies for breaking cognitive biases in software development, such as recognizing assumptions, seeking counterexamples, and fostering inclusivity, can be applied to other domains to combat prejudice and discrimination. This holistic approach to bias reduction can contribute to creating more equitable and inclusive communities beyond the confines of the tech industry.

Finally, the exploration of cognitive biases in software development emphasizes the critical role of leadership in driving cultural change. Leaders set the tone for organizational culture and have the power to influence attitudes and behaviors. By championing diversity, equity, and inclusion, leaders can create an environment where cognitive biases are actively challenged and where all team members feel valued and respected. This involves not only implementing policies and practices that promote inclusivity but also modeling inclusive behavior and holding themselves accountable for fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

In conclusion, “The Overweening Pride in Coding Abilities – Understanding and Breaking Extreme Prejudice Over Software Development Skills” delves into the complex interplay between technical skills and cognitive biases, revealing the multifaceted impacts of these biases on individuals and teams. Beyond the immediate discussion, several broader insights emerge, highlighting the importance of cognitive diversity, emotional intelligence, continuous learning, ethical considerations, and leadership in creating an inclusive and innovative tech industry.

By addressing cognitive biases through a comprehensive and systematic approach, we can unlock the full potential of software development, fostering a dynamic and equitable environment that not only drives progress and innovation but also drives evolution of the people . The journey to overcoming cognitive biases is not just a technical challenge; it is a path to personal growth, professional excellence, and societal advancement.

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