The Heinous Crime of Violence Against Women and Children: The Dark Truth of Black Holes

Black Holes
Black Hole
Explore how rape & violence against creator & creation only explain the total darkness of a black hole, a reality where cosmic principles collapse and laws of the universes are not upheld

In a world that many believe to be under the guidance of a benevolent creator, the existence of heinous crimes such as rape and sexual violence against women and children raises profound and unsettling questions. How can such atrocities, which strike at the very heart of what it means to be human, occur in a universe supposedly governed by goodness and kindness? Women, as the creators of life, and children, as the innocent embodiments of our future, should be the most protected and cherished members of our society. Yet, these heinous acts persist, casting a dark shadow over the very concept of a loving and caring creator. The continued prevalence of these crimes forces us to confront the grim reality that perhaps the world we live in is not as benevolent as we would like to believe.

It is a horrifying thought that rape, one of the most egregious violations of human dignity, is not universally met with the most severe of punishments. The death penalty, while a contentious issue in many parts of the world, seems almost insufficient when considering the gravity of the crime of rape. Rape is not just an act of physical violence; it is an assault on the very soul of the victim. It is an attempt to strip away the humanity of the individual, leaving scars that may never heal. In a just world, such an act would be met with absolute and unequivocal condemnation, with the perpetrators facing the harshest possible consequences. Yet, in many parts of the world, the justice system fails to reflect this, leaving victims without the justice they so desperately need and deserve.

Throughout history, wars have been fought for many reasons—territorial expansion, religious fervor, political power—but one of the most tragic and consistent outcomes of these conflicts has been the widespread occurrence of rape and sexual violence. In the chaos of war, women and children have often been the most vulnerable, their bodies used as weapons in the pursuit of power and control. These acts of violence are not just crimes against the individual victims; they are crimes against humanity itself. They represent a complete breakdown of moral and ethical standards, a descent into the darkest corners of human nature. And yet, despite the lessons of history, these crimes continue to occur, a testament to the failure of global leaders to address this gravest of societal diseases.

One must ask: what have our leaders done to demonstrate an absolute intolerance for these crimes? It is not enough to merely proclaim a policy of zero tolerance; what is needed is a stance of negative infinity tolerance—a complete and utter refusal to accept anything less than the eradication of these heinous acts. It is a source of deep anguish and despair that in our modern, supposedly enlightened world, such crimes still occur with alarming frequency. The existence of rape and sexual violence against women and children is a stark reminder that our society is far from the utopia we often imagine it to be. It is evidence of a profound failure, not just of individual morals, but of the collective conscience of humanity.

The search for dark matter and dark energy in the cosmos often involves looking outward, peering into the vast expanses of space for the invisible forces that shape our universe. However, this search frequently overlooks the most glaring evidence of these forces’ existence right here on Earth, manifesting in the collapse of moral and ethical standards. The prevalence of heinous crimes such as rape and sexual violence against women and children serves as a stark reminder that the darkness we seek to understand in the universe is not just a cosmic phenomenon but a reflection of the darkest aspects of human behavior and society. These crimes mirror the characteristics of black holes, those enigmatic regions of space where light cannot escape, and where the very essence of humanity is pulled into an abyss of cruelty, despair, and moral decay.

In the context of cosmic principles, dark matter and dark energy are often described as forces that influence the structure and expansion of the universe, yet they remain largely unseen and poorly understood. Similarly, the forces that drive the repeated collapse of moral and ethical standards on Earth are often intangible, operating beneath the surface of society, yet their effects are all too visible. The pervasive darkness that allows such heinous crimes to persist is not merely a societal issue; it is a cosmic one. It represents a profound disturbance in the cosmic equilibrium, a place where the laws that govern the universes and the principles of free will, autonomy, randomness, non-determinism, and equality for all have not yet fully taken hold.

This disturbed state of cosmic equilibrium is evident in several ways. Firstly, the principle of creator-creation equality is severely compromised. Women, as the creators of life, and children, as the innocent embodiments of future potential, should be afforded the highest respect and protection. Yet, the prevalence of rape and sexual violence reveals a world where the balance between creator and creation is profoundly skewed. The very act of violence against these individuals is an affront to the cosmic principle that all life is sacred and that the creators of life should be honored and protected. In a universe where this equilibrium is upheld, such crimes would be unthinkable; they would simply not occur because the moral fabric of society would be too strong to allow it.

The origin of Black holes

When a woman or child is raped, it signifies a profound and disturbing inversion of the natural order, where the creation asserts dominance over the creator, thereby overshadowing and violating the very essence of the creative force. In the cosmic sense, this act represents a catastrophic disruption of the Cosmic Equilibrium of Equality between Creator and Creation, a principle that ensures neither is greater than the other, and both exist in a harmonious balance. The violation of this equilibrium is not just a moral or ethical failure; it is a cosmic transgression that reverberates across the fabric of space-time itself.

The disruption of Cosmic Equilibrium of Equality between Creator and Creation is not even a metaphor or analogy, in fact, it is a direct manifestation in form of a sharp bend in the space-time fabric, where all moral and ethical structures collapse under the weight of this egregious act. In such a region, the laws of the universes, which are designed to uphold the cosmic principles of free will, autonomy, randomness, non-determinism, and equality for all, are not merely disregarded—they cease to function altogether.

This is a region of intense darkness and dense space where the laws of all the universes are neither upheld with zero tolerance for all forms of untruths and all forms of inequalities, nor the light of cosmic laws & principles has yet been lit, creating a void that is classified as a black hole.

The fragmented, deterministic, non random existence (reality) characterized by lack of free will and non autonomy where cosmic equilibriums, principles and laws  break down completely, marked by worst violence & crime in form of rapes and killings against the very creator of life (woman) and creation (children) is called a Black hole. 

The fragmented and deterministic nature of non autonomous realities, where existence is stripped of randomness, free will, and autonomy, represents a severe deviation from the natural cosmic order. In these distorted realities, the cosmic equilibriums, principles, and laws that should govern the universe break down entirely, leading to the darkest forms of violence and crime. The most heinous manifestations of this breakdown are the acts of rape and murder committed against the very essence of creation—women, who are the creators of life, and children, who embody the future of that creation. This state of existence, where such atrocities are possible and even commonplace, is what we refer to as a “Black Hole.”

A black hole, in this context, is more than just a physical phenomenon; it is just another name for non-autonomous universes where the light of the cosmic laws is extinguished. In these regions, the natural order is perverted, and the cosmic principles that govern the balance and harmony of all life are not upheld. The overwhelming presence of dark energy, malevolent forces, and the suppression of free will and autonomy dominate, creating a reality where heinous acts like rape and sexual violence can occur unchecked. These non-autonomous universes are places where the laws of the universe that should ensure justice, equality, and the sanctity of life are stifled, and their light remains dimmed.

A Black Hole, in this metaphysical sense, is not merely a cosmic phenomenon but a symbol of the complete collapse of moral, ethical, and cosmic structures. It is a reality where the forces that should uphold the sanctity of life and the balance between creator and creation are overpowered by darkness, leading to a world characterized by suffering, oppression, and chaos. In these non-autonomous universes, the light of cosmic laws—those principles that ensure free will, autonomy, equality, and the random nature of existence—is entirely extinguished. What remains is a deterministic, non-random existence where the inhabitants are trapped in a cycle of violence, control, and despair.

To believe that universes or realities free from such heinous crimes are impossible is to live in an illusion. The truth is that the existence of a world without violence, crime, or discord is not only possible but is the intended design of a benevolent creator. However, this design is obscured when we find ourselves within a Black Hole, a reality so deeply entrenched in darkness that we fail to recognize the true nature of the universe. We are, in fact, living inside a Black Hole, and the inability to perceive it stems from our limited understanding of the physics of observation—specifically, the observer’s role in defining and understanding reality and that only emerges when the observer also starts observing himself. This is called cosmic equilibrium of observation.

The cosmic equilibrium of observation is a state absolutely devoid of personal prejudices and cognitive biases of any kind, wherein the true observer or true physicist not only looks for answers outwards but also inwards, critically examines self and nature (both creator and creation) in equal measure. When he does that, that is when he starts decoding the cosmic reality or the ultimate secrets of darkness. Until then, the act of observation remains only 1-sided and myopic and fails to accommodate universal reality and cosmic truths in totality due to disturbed cosmic equilibrium of observation, which in turn originates from the cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality. The disturbed state of cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality impacts the observation and creates illusory hypothesis without reflection in every direction in which observer cannot be excluded from the act of observation.

Illusion of Coexistence of Light & Darkness

In this distorted world of disturbed cosmic equilibriums, the notion of coexistence of light and darkness is another illusion that gets created in the process. We often mistake this coexistence for the true nature of the universe, believing that suffering and joy, good and evil, are natural and inevitable counterparts. However, this duality is not the reality of a universe designed by a benevolent creator. In an autonomous universe—one that operates under the guidance of cosmic laws and principles—such darkness would not exist. The existence of heinous crimes, such as rape and murder, serves as evidence that we are living in a non-autonomous universe, where the light of cosmic laws has been extinguished, and the true nature of the universe is hidden from our view.

A Black Hole, therefore, is more than a physical anomaly in space; it is a state of existence where the fundamental laws that should govern life have broken down. It is a place where violence, inequality, and division are not just possible but are woven into the fabric of reality. In these non-autonomous universes, the principles of free will, autonomy, randomness, and equality are replaced by control, determinism, and hierarchy, leading to a reality that is fundamentally unjust and unnatural.

Understanding this concept requires us to look beyond the physical and into the metaphysical realms where these cosmic principles operate. It requires a recognition that our current reality is a distortion, a black hole where the true nature of the universe—one governed by light, balance, and harmony—is obscured. The journey out of this black hole, back to a state of cosmic equilibrium, involves the reawakening of these principles, the re-illumination of the cosmic laws, and the transition from a non-autonomous universe to one that is autonomous and aligned with the original design of a benevolent creator.

However, the transition from this state of darkness and oppression to one of light and autonomy is possible. Once the cosmic laws are recognized, upheld, and enforced, the light of the laws of all the universes begins to shine, illuminating the darkness and restoring the balance. This transition is akin to the theoretical journey from a black hole to a white hole, a process that occurs through a tunnel known as a wormhole. In cosmic terms, this wormhole represents the path from non-autonomy to autonomy, from darkness to light, from a state where the principles of free will, autonomy, randomness, non-determinism, and equality are suppressed to one where they are fully realized and operational.

In this framework, the black hole symbolizes the darkest depths of human experience and cosmic imbalance, where the violation of the Cosmic Equilibrium of Creator Creation Equality leads to the collapse of all moral and ethical standards. The emergence from this darkness through the wormhole signifies the potential for redemption, for the restoration of cosmic order, and for the transformation of a non-autonomous universe into an autonomous one—a white hole where the light of the cosmic laws shines brightly, ensuring that such heinous crimes can no longer exist.

This process of transformation is not merely a theoretical concept but a profound cosmic truth. It underscores the idea that the universe, when governed by the principles of randomness and cosmic equilibriums, is inherently just and balanced. However, when these principles are not upheld, when the light of the cosmic laws is not yet lit, the universe falls into a state of darkness and non-autonomy. The journey from darkness to light, from the black hole to the white hole, is the journey of restoring the cosmic order, where the equilibrium between creator and creation is reestablished, and the sanctity of life is honored and protected once more.

Secondly, the cosmic equilibrium of wave-particle duality, which can be seen as a reflection of the balance between collective and individual behavior, is also disrupted. In a healthy cosmic state, the actions of individuals would naturally align with the greater good of the collective, and the collective would, in turn, support the well-being of each individual. However, the prevalence of these heinous crimes against women and children indicates a severe breakdown in this balance. Instead of acting in harmony with the collective good, individuals are driven by base instincts and a desire for power and control, leading to actions that harm others and destabilize society as a whole. This imbalance reflects a failure to maintain the cosmic principle that individual actions should contribute to, rather than detract from, the collective well-being.

The failure to uphold zero tolerance for untruths and inequalities is another indicator of the disturbed cosmic equilibrium. The existence of rape and sexual violence is, at its core, a manifestation of inequality—an assertion of power by one individual or group over another, often justified by lies, deception, and the distortion of truth. In a universe where cosmic principles are fully realized, there would be no tolerance for such untruths, and every form of inequality would be met with immediate and decisive action to restore balance. Yet, in our world, these crimes are often met with silence, denial, or inadequate responses, allowing the darkness to grow and spread unchecked.

In this context, the disturbed state of cosmic equilibriums is not just a philosophical or metaphysical concept; it is a lived reality for countless individuals who suffer the consequences of these heinous acts. The light of the laws of the universes governed by cosmic equilibriums isn’t bright enough to extinguish the darkness of these crimes because society has not yet fully embraced or enacted these principles. The persistence of rape and sexual violence against women and children is a glaring indication that we have not yet achieved the level of moral and ethical advancement necessary to overcome these forces of darkness.

This disturbing reality forces us to reconsider our understanding of dark matter and dark energy. Instead of merely looking outward to the cosmos, we must also look inward, examining the ways in which these forces manifest in human behavior and society. The search for dark matter and dark energy in the cosmos is, in many ways, a search for the underlying forces that shape our reality. Yet, the most immediate and pressing evidence of these forces is found in the collapse of moral and ethical standards on Earth. The prevalence of rape and sexual violence is a stark reminder that we are not yet living in a universe fully governed by the principles of cosmic harmony and balance. Until we address these issues and restore the disturbed cosmic equilibriums, the light of kindness, compassion, and humanity will continue to be dimmed by the overwhelming force of darkness.

It is not far-fetched to argue that we are already living inside a black hole, where the forces of darkness dominate and the light of goodness struggles to survive. A benevolent creator, by definition, would not permit such meaningless and brutal existence. The fact that these crimes are routine in various parts of the world is evidence enough that something is fundamentally wrong with our understanding of the universe. These inhumane acts are symptomatic of a broader societal failure, one that calls into question the very notion of an autonomous, free-willed existence. If the universe were truly governed by principles of randomness and free will, then such acts of violence would not be as prevalent as they are.

Instead of looking outward to the stars for answers about the origins of the universe, perhaps we should turn our gaze inward, examining human behavior as part of a broader behavioral science. The origins of dark matter and dark energy may well be found in the darkest aspects of human nature, in the acts of cruelty and violence that we inflict upon one another. These acts are a reflection of a cosmic imbalance, a failure to adhere to the principles that should guide our existence. The leaders of international bodies that claim to protect women and children must face this reality and take responsibility for their failure to address this most urgent of issues.

It is difficult to comprehend how these leaders can continue to hold their positions of power while reports of rape and sexual violence continue to surface around the world. Do they not feel the weight of their responsibility? Do they not experience shame when confronted with the reality of their inaction? If they cannot protect the most vulnerable members of our society, then they have no right to claim the mantle of leadership. The continued existence of these heinous crimes is a testament to their failure, and they must be held accountable.

The time has come for global leaders to reflect on their responsibilities. They must not allow themselves to sleep peacefully while others suffer unimaginable horrors. The heinous crimes of rape and sexual violence against women and children are not just a stain on the conscience of our society; they are a black hole that threatens to consume the very fabric of humanity. If we are to create a world that is truly just, compassionate, and aligned with the principles of a benevolent creator, then we must confront these crimes with the full force of our collective will. Only then can we hope to escape the gravitational pull of the darkness that surrounds us and move toward a brighter, more humane future.

In the end, the existence of these crimes calls into question everything we believe about the nature of reality and the universe we inhabit. They force us to reconsider our understanding of autonomy, free will, and the very nature of existence itself. If we are to truly create a world that reflects the values of a benevolent creator, then we must eradicate these heinous acts from the face of the Earth. It is not enough to merely speak out against them; we must act with unwavering determination to ensure that no woman or child ever suffers such violence again. The path forward is clear, but it requires the courage and conviction of all of us to walk it. Let us not allow the black hole of rape and sexual violence to consume any more lives. Let us rise to the challenge and create a world where the light of kindness, compassion, and justice shines brightly, unimpeded by the darkness of cruelty and despair.


In concluding the discussion on the heinous crime of rape and violence against women and children, it becomes evident that these atrocities are not merely social or legal issues but are deeply intertwined with the cosmic fabric of our existence. The violence perpetrated against women—the creators of life—and innocent children—the embodiment of future potential—represents a profound disruption of the cosmic equilibrium, where the delicate balance between creator and creation is shattered. This imbalance is not just a reflection of human moral decay but is indicative of a much darker, more insidious force at play: the collapse of cosmic laws and principles that should guide our existence.

The concept of a black hole as it relates to the heinous crimes of rape and violence against women and children is truly embodiment of breakdown of cosmic principles and total collapse of moral and ethical fabric. Literally, a black hole is a region of space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. Metaphorically, the prevalence of rape and sexual violence creates a black hole in the moral fabric of society, a place where the light of kindness, compassion, and humanity is extinguished by the overwhelming force of darkness. This black hole is a void where the cosmic principles that should guide our actions are not yet lit, where the laws of the universe that govern free will, autonomy, randomness, non-determinism, and equality are overshadowed by forces of control, determinism, and inequality.

The notion that we are living in a black hole, a non-autonomous universe where cosmic equilibriums, principles, and laws have completely broken down, is a sobering realization. In this fragmented, deterministic, and non-random reality, the very essence of free will and autonomy is compromised, leading to a world where darkness prevails over light. The existence of such heinous crimes as rape and violence against women and children is not just a sign of societal failure but a manifestation of a deeper, cosmic disorder. This disorder is characterized by the absence of unbounded free will, autonomy, randomness, non-determinism, and equality for all—principles that should be inherent in a universe governed by a benevolent creator.

To believe that a universe where such crimes do not exist is impossible is to live in an illusion. The reality is that we are all living inside a black hole, unable to perceive the true nature of our existence because we are trapped within a reality where cosmic laws are not upheld. This black hole is a region of intense darkness and dense space where the light of cosmic laws is not yet lit. It is a place where the moral and ethical fabric of society has collapsed, where the laws of the universe are not enforced, and where violence, crime, strife, and inequality reign supreme.

The cosmic truth of black holes is that they are not just astronomical phenomena but are metaphors for the darkest aspects of our reality. They represent the regions where the light of the laws of the universe is absent, where the cosmic equilibriums that should guide our existence are disrupted, and where the principles of kindness, compassion, and humanity are extinguished by the overwhelming force of darkness. These black holes are not just in the distant reaches of space; they are present in our world, in the very fabric of our existence, manifested through the violence and atrocities that continue to plague our societies.

However, the conclusion need not be one of despair. The recognition of this dark reality is the first step toward change. Just as a black hole can transition to a white hole through a tunnel called a wormhole, our world can also transition from a non-autonomous universe to an autonomous one. This transition requires the rekindling of the light of cosmic laws, the restoration of cosmic equilibriums, and the reassertion of the principles of free will, autonomy, randomness, non-determinism, and equality for all. It requires a collective awakening to the reality of our existence and a commitment to upholding the moral and ethical standards that have been lost in the darkness.

The journey from darkness to light, from a black hole to a white hole, is not an easy one. It requires profound introspection, a willingness to confront the darkest aspects of our reality, and the courage to make the necessary changes. But it is a journey that must be undertaken if we are to create a world where the heinous crimes of rape and violence against women and children are not just condemned but are eradicated entirely. It is a journey toward a world where the light of the laws of the universe shines brightly, where the cosmic equilibriums are restored, and where the principles of kindness, compassion, and humanity prevail.

In the end, the battle against the darkness of black holes is not just a cosmic one; it is a battle for the very soul of humanity. It is a battle to restore the balance between creator and creation, to uphold the principles that should govern our existence, and to create a world where the light of the laws of the universe is fully lit, illuminating every corner of our reality. It is a battle that we must all fight, for the sake of the creators of life, the innocent children, and for the future of all of humanity.

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