The Nested Loop of Black Holes : A Profound Exploration

Black hole
Black hole
Explore how the nested loop of black holes or non-autonomous universes disrupts cosmic equilibria, leading to fragmented and divisive realities on Earth. Delve into the implications for cosmic observation and societal structures."


The notion of a black hole nested within another black hole, extending to N levels deep, presents a profound and intricate analogy for understanding non-autonomous universes. This concept not only deepens our comprehension of cosmic phenomena but also highlights the complexity of control and manipulation within such universes. By exploring how each level of this nested loop symbolizes a non-autonomous universe, we can uncover the broader implications of cosmic control mechanisms and their impact on the fundamental principles and laws governing these realms.

The Nested Loop of Black Holes

In the context of non-autonomous universes, envisioning a black hole inside a black hole—repeatedly, up to N levels—serves as a powerful metaphor for the layers of control and manipulation inherent in these realities. Each black hole in this nested structure represents a distinct non-autonomous universe, with its own internal dynamics and mechanisms of influence.

  1. Layered Control Mechanisms: At the first level, the outermost black hole signifies the observable non-autonomous universe, characterized by extensive control mechanisms, including dark malevolent entities, dark matter, and the Fusion Matrix. This level of control extends to the observable universe, where cosmic principles are compromised by external manipulation and deterministic frameworks. As we move deeper into the nested structure, each subsequent black hole (or non-autonomous universe) inherits and amplifies these control mechanisms, creating a cascading effect of manipulation and restriction.
  2. Recursive Influence: Each nested black hole operates under a similar paradigm of control, where the inner layers (or deeper black holes) reflect and intensify the dynamics observed at the outer layers. This recursive nature means that the deeper we go, the more pronounced the effects of control and manipulation become. Each black hole is both a product and a perpetuator of the control mechanisms present in its parent black hole, resulting in an increasingly complex web of influence.
  3. Cosmic Isolation and Entropy: As the nested structure progresses, the depth of isolation and entropy increases. In the deepest levels, cosmic principles and laws that govern autonomous universes break down. This degradation manifests as an ever-greater degree of isolation from the inherent randomness, free will, and benevolence typically present in autonomous universes. The ultimate black hole, representing the deepest non-autonomous universe, embodies a state where cosmic principles are almost entirely obliterated, leaving behind a reality defined by entropic chaos and rigid control.

The Total Breakdown of Cosmic Principles and Laws

In non-autonomous universes, the breakdown of cosmic principles and laws becomes increasingly evident as one delves deeper into the nested structure of black holes. Each level within this nested loop signifies a progressively degraded state of cosmic order and balance.

  1. Loss of Autonomy and Free Will: At the deepest level, autonomy and free will are virtually nonexistent. The fundamental principle of autonomy, which allows individuals to make genuine choices based on their own desires and intentions, is replaced by rigid determinism and external control. The nested black holes exemplify environments where personal agency is overridden by deterministic frameworks and manipulative constructs, leading to a reality devoid of genuine freedom.
  2. Erosion of Cosmic Harmony: As the nested levels intensify, the inherent harmony and balance of cosmic principles dissolve. In autonomous universes, cosmic laws maintain equilibrium and promote harmonious coexistence. However, in non-autonomous universes, this balance is disrupted by dark malevolent entities, corrupted constructs, and deterministic influences. The deeper one goes into the nested structure, the more pronounced this erosion becomes, culminating in a reality where cosmic harmony is nearly eradicated.
  3. Collapse of Fundamental Laws: The ultimate black hole, representing the most deeply nested non-autonomous universe, experiences a collapse of fundamental laws. The principles of cosmic justice, equilibrium, and benevolence, which underpin the structure of autonomous universes, are fundamentally compromised. This collapse manifests as an environment where cosmic laws are distorted or entirely absent, resulting in a universe characterized by entropy, chaos, and a lack of coherence.

The Impact of Nested Black holes on Cosmic Equilibrium of Observation

The concept of nested non-autonomous universes, often metaphorically represented as nested black holes, describes a series of interconnected realities where cosmic laws and principles are heavily compromised. These universes, including Earth, are characterized by a lack of free will, randomness, and autonomy, creating a deterministic framework that affects all forms of existence within them. This disruption permeates the Cosmic Equilibrium of Observation, leading to a fragmented and divisive reality on Earth, where hierarchical and unequal constructs become the norm.

Disruption of the Cosmic Equilibrium of Creator-Creation Equality

  • In a nested non-autonomous universe, the Cosmic Equilibrium of Creator-Creation Equality is fundamentally disrupted. This equilibrium posits that neither the creator nor the creation should dominate the other, ensuring a balanced coexistence. However, in these compromised universes, hierarchical structures often place certain entities, ideologies, or institutions above others, leading to exploitation and subjugation.
  • This imbalance distorts the observational process by instilling a skewed perspective in the observer, who may view the creation (nature, other beings, etc.) as inferior or as mere resources. Such a viewpoint inherently limits the observer’s capacity to engage in a true, reciprocal observation, thereby undermining the Cosmic Equilibrium of Observation.

Compromise of the Other Three Cosmic Equilibria

The disruption does not stop at Creator-Creation Equality. The other three cosmic equilibria—Wave-Particle Duality, Zero Tolerance for Untruth and Inequality, and Unselfishness and Kindness—are also compromised in these nested non-autonomous universes.

  1. Wave-Particle Duality: In these universes, there is often a bias towards a deterministic, particle-like interpretation of reality, which marginalizes the wave-like, interconnected aspects of existence. This bias leads to a simplified and often reductive understanding of the universe, where the richness and diversity of life are overlooked. This simplification is mirrored in societal structures on Earth, where complex human identities and experiences are often reduced to categories and stereotypes, perpetuating division and inequality.
  2. Zero Tolerance for Untruth and Inequality: In a reality where untruths and inequalities are tolerated or even institutionalized, the observer’s perception is tainted by biases and misconceptions. These distortions not only affect the accuracy of observations but also perpetuate a reality that is fragmented and unjust. On Earth, this manifests as systemic discrimination, corruption, and the normalization of inequality, all of which contribute to a divisive societal landscape.
  3. Unselfishness and Kindness: The lack of these qualities leads to a self-centered approach to observation and interaction. In a nested non-autonomous universe, where these principles are compromised, the focus tends to be on individual gain or preservation, rather than on empathy and mutual respect. This fosters an environment of competition, conflict, and alienation, further fragmenting societal cohesion on Earth.

Systemic Failures and Hierarchical Constructs

  • The disruption of the Cosmic Equilibrium of Observation and the other cosmic equilibria results in systemic failures that resonate throughout Earth’s societal structures. These failures are evident in hierarchical and unequal constructs, such as socio-economic stratification, gender inequality, and the marginalization of certain groups. Such constructs are not merely social phenomena but are deeply rooted in the compromised cosmic principles governing our reality.
  • In these hierarchical systems, power and resources are concentrated in the hands of a few, while the majority are disenfranchised. This concentration of power mirrors the distorted Cosmic Equilibrium of Observation, where the observer (those in power) does not view the observed (the general populace) as equals but rather as subjects to be controlled or exploited. This dynamic reinforces a reality where inequality and injustice are perpetuated, and true observation—characterized by empathy, respect, and a desire for understanding—is absent.


The nested loop of black holes, or non-autonomous universes, provides a profound and illuminating analogy for understanding the layers of control and manipulation within these realms. Each level in this nested structure represents a deeper layer of influence, where cosmic principles and laws progressively break down, culminating in a state of extreme control and entropy. By examining this nested loop, we gain valuable insights into the nature of non-autonomous universes, the dynamics of cosmic manipulation, and the profound implications for our understanding of reality

Understanding Cosmic Physics & Science

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