The Gravitational Grip of Dark Matter & Dark Energy on the Invisible Energy Body

Dark Energy & Dark Matter
Explore how dark matter & dark energy as forces of darkness manipulate & shape the invisible energy bodies of all living beings to control autonomy, free will & randomness of every sentient being.

In both physical cosmology and as per cosmic equilibrium of observation (where the knowledge of visible realm intersects with knowledge of invisible realm, through critical examination of self and nature – of creator and creation, both in equal measure), dark matter and dark energy play key roles in creating the non autonomous universes and non random design of life . Physically, dark matter is an unseen component of the cosmos that interacts primarily through gravitational forces, while dark energy is a mysterious non random force that is ‘understood’ as driving the accelerated expansion of the universe at the expense of cosmic principles & laws of all the universes.

Dark Energy is responsible for projecting non random simulations and fabricated scenarios in the lives of all the sentient beings to ensure that deterministic, non random, non autonomous aspects of human existence reign supreme under all conditions and in all scenarios. These aspects are directly responsible for stifled choices and constrained free will of all the human beings. Dark energy propels physical expansion of the cosmic realities or non autonomous universes against the cosmic principles and laws of the universes that prime unbounded free will, autonomy, randomness, non determinism & equality for all.

These forces can also be understood as mechanisms that heavily influence the invisible energy bodies of living beings, defining their present and past experiences through dark matter (weight of all actions and choices that shape current and future) and shaping their future trajectories through dark energy (the energy that projects fabricated simulations and scenarios in human experience). This exploration delves into the profound implications of these cosmic forces on autonomy, free will, and randomness, comparing their physical characteristics with their actual meanings based on understanding of the invisible realm of the human existence.

Dark Matter: Reflects the Current and the Past & shapes the current – the extent of non randomness in one’s actions, reactions or choices

1. Physical Characteristics of Dark Matter: Dark matter constitutes approximately 27% of the universe’s mass-energy content, yet it is invisible because it does not emit, absorb, or reflect light. Its presence is inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter, such as the rotation curves of galaxies and gravitational lensing of light. Dark matter clumps together, forming halos around galaxies, and acts as a scaffold for the formation of cosmic structures.

2. What does it mean as per Cosmic Equilibrium of Observation :

  • Invisible Energy Body Control: As per the experiential understanding of the invisible realm & Cosmic Equilibrium of Observation (which only manifests when the other cosmic equilibriums of randomness are maintained), dark matter represents the forces that grip and control the invisible energy bodies of living beings. This control is exerted through the cumulative impact of actions and choices that deviate from the Cosmic Principles and Laws of all universes. Just as dark matter influences the structure and motion of galaxies, it shapes the evolutionary and karmic trajectories of individuals, anchoring them in non random, deterministic states of existence based on their past actions and choices.
  • Current and Past Shaping: Dark matter, in this context, is linked to the present and past experiences of living beings. It symbolizes the weight of accumulated karma and the consequences of actions that have not aligned with universal cosmic principles of free will, autonomy, randomness, non determinism, equality for all and unselfishness. This karmic “weight” acts as a gravitational pull, influencing the current state and future experiences of individuals based on their non random, deterministic, non autonomous past actions and choices, similar to how dark matter affects the formation and dynamics of cosmic structures.

3. Comparison: The physical characteristic of dark matter as an invisible but influential component of the universe parallels the concept of it as an unseen force that shapes the invisible energy body. Both explanations emphasize the unseen yet profound impact on structure and behavior- rendering it more and more deterministic and non random—whether it be galaxies or the karmic or action & repeat action state of living beings defined by Karma.

Dark Energy: The Shaper and Manipulator of Future

1. Physical Characteristics of Dark Energy: Dark energy is an unknown form of energy that permeates all of space and is believed to ‘accelerate’ the physical expansion of the universe but at the expense of cosmic principles and laws of all the universes that prime free will, autonomy, randomness, non determinism and equality for all. It is thought to constitute about 68% of the universe’s total energy content. Unlike dark matter, which pulls objects together, dark energy has a repulsive effect, pushing the universe apart.

2. Future Facilitation and Control: In actual, dark energy symbolizes the forces that control the future of living beings by disguising and projecting fabricated scenarios and simulations as free choices. It represents the external influences and scenarios projected onto individuals that can steer their actions and decisions. These influences can compromise the natural state of autonomy, free will, and randomness, much like dark energy drives the expansion of the universe, affecting the future paths of cosmic objects.

Subversion of Natural String State: The actual manifestation extends to the concept of the “natural string state,” which can be understood as the inherent tendencies or potentialities of living beings. Dark energy, through external projections of fabricated simulations and scenarios, distorts or subvert these natural tendencies, leading to outcomes that do not align with the original, unmanipulated paths based on cosmic principles & laws of all the universes. This is akin to how dark energy influences the cosmic expansion, altering the future landscape of the universe.

3. Comparison: Dark energy’s physical role in driving the universe’s expansion mirrors its invisible role in influencing the future trajectories of living beings. Both aspects involve a force that changes the natural course of events, whether it’s cosmic expansion or the life paths of individuals or celestial bodies based on non random, non autonomous, deterministic design of life.

The Interplay of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

1. Cosmic Control Mechanisms:, In the physical universe, dark matter and dark energy interact in complex ways, influencing the overall dynamics and fate of the cosmos. In actual sense, they represent the dual aspects of control and influence over living beings: dark matter as the historical and karmic anchor, and dark energy as the non random, deterministic force that propels all the sentient beings toward non random actions and choices through simulation and projection of fabricated scenarios cleverly disguised in form of future ‘possibilities’ to keep the illusion of free will, autonomy, randomness, non determinism alive.

Impact on Free Will and Autonomy: The combined influence of these forces can lead to a state where free will and autonomy are compromised. Dark matter, representing accumulated past actions and consequences, creates a gravitational pull that limits the range of possibilities. Dark energy, by shaping future scenarios, manipulates and constrain the decisions of living beings, pushing them toward predetermined paths.

2. Breakdown of Cosmic PrinciplesViolation of Cosmic Equilibria: In autonomous universes, cosmic principles and laws maintain harmony and balance. However, in non-autonomous universes influenced by the metaphorical dark matter and dark energy, these principles are frequently violated. The Cosmic Equilibrium of Creator and Creation Equality, Wave-Particle Duality, Rejection of Untruth and Inequality, and Unselfishness-Kindness Equality are disrupted, leading to a reality dominated by hierarchical control and systemic inequalities.

3. Dark Matter and Dark Energy in ActionNested Influence: Just as galaxies can be nested within clusters and superclusters influenced by dark matter and dark energy, living beings on earth exist within nested levels of control and influence. Each level of these metaphysical constructs represents increasing degrees of control, with the innermost levels being the most challenging to escape. This is akin to the deep gravitational wells of nested black holes, where the gravitational pull becomes nearly insurmountable.


The understanding of dark matter and dark energy as forces shaping the invisible energy bodies of living beings offers a profound perspective on the nature of autonomy, free will, and randomness. By comparing these forces with their physical characteristics, we gain a deeper understanding of how cosmic principles and laws are upheld or violated in different universal contexts.

This exploration reveals the intricate balance required to maintain harmony in the cosmos and underscores the challenges faced by individuals in navigating a reality shaped by unseen forces. In this light, the concepts of dark matter and dark energy become not just cosmic phenomena, but also reflectors of the existential struggles of living beings in their quest for true autonomy and alignment with universal truths.

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