How Sense of Smell Shapes the Global One Currency Policy

Global One Policy
Global One Policy
Explore how the sense of smell influences the Global One Currency Policy, shaping economic stability and cultural identity in a unified global financial system. Discover the connection between sensory experiences and financial integration.


The sense of smell, often overshadowed by sight and sound, is a profound and powerful sense that intricately connects us to our surroundings, memories, and identities. In a world increasingly driven by economic globalization and technological advancements, the sense of smell provides a unique perspective on how we interact with and perceive the global financial system. As we explore the concept of a Global One Currency, which aims to unify disparate economic systems and eliminate barriers to financial transactions, it becomes essential to consider how this sense can influence and shape global policies.

The Global One Currency Policy envisions a unified financial system where a single global currency facilitates seamless transactions across borders, reduces currency conversion fees, and fosters economic equality. This ambitious policy seeks to address systemic bottlenecks in the current financial infrastructure, enabling individuals and businesses to engage in a more fluid and integrated global economy. Here, the sense of smell offers a compelling analogy for understanding how this policy could impact both individual experiences and global interactions.

Smell, unlike sight or sound, operates at a subconscious level, subtly influencing our perceptions and behaviors. It evokes memories, triggers emotions, and shapes our cultural identity—elements that are crucial when considering the broader implications of a global currency. By drawing parallels between the sense of smell and the proposed financial framework, we can gain deeper insights into how such a policy might enhance economic stability, preserve cultural diversity, and promote a more interconnected world. Let us discuss this below in detail :

Smell: The Pillar of Memory and Identity

  • Smell is a powerful sense that evokes memories and emotions, connecting us to our past and to the places we come from. It plays a crucial role in shaping our sense of identity and belonging. In the constitutional framework, smell represents the right to economic stability and cultural heritage, associated with the use of currency and the preservation of local traditions.
  • These policies ensure that economic systems support cultural heritage and that individuals can maintain their cultural identities while participating in the global economy. Enshrining the right to smell underscores the importance of economic security and cultural continuity, which are vital for maintaining a cohesive and diverse society.

Smell and Breath: A Vital Connection to Identity – Smell, often overlooked among the five senses—plays a crucial role in shaping personal and collective identity. It is intrinsically linked to the sense of breath, which is fundamental to life and well-being. The connection between smell and breath provides a profound analogy to the rights of individuals to maintain their cultural identity and freedom while participating in a globalized world.

Smell is intimately connected to the act of breathing. When we inhale, our olfactory system detects and processes various scents, linking them to memories, emotions, and experiences. This sensory input not only influences our perception of the world but also contributes to our personal identity and cultural heritage. The ability to breathe in clean, fresh air is essential for maintaining physical health and mental clarity, and it symbolizes a broader sense of freedom and vitality. Since breathing is a lifeforce that is available to all living beings without any distinction as the most important function of the living body, it is a collective and represents wave ‘global’ as well as individual ‘particle’ sense. Its metaphorical meaning with regards to particle aspect is smell.

We do not smell all the time. Most of the time we do not experience smell of any kind while breathing (hygiene factors apart). Our experience of smell is dependent upon the use of other 4 senses through a socio economic cultural activity which requires an economic parameter. Its dependent where we are (smell associated with geographical surroundings (mountains, trees, rivers, oceans, or scent or perfume in a shop or a mall or a restaurant or store) , or what we are eating (powerful smell or aroma of food we enjoy every single day), what we are touching (smell of flowers, plants or what we use as a perfume on clothes personally), what we are hearing (smell of living organism or an objects that make sound)

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The Right to maintain Cultural Identity – One Currency

Smell and the act of breathing represent the fundamental right to live freely and express one’s cultural identity. Just as clean air supports our physical health, the freedom to maintain cultural heritage ensures the preservation of individual and collective identities. This freedom is vital for sustaining diverse cultural expressions and traditions that contribute to the richness of human experience through participation in socio economic cultural activity and this requires a tangible economic or financial instrument like global One currency (with optional local currencies) to manifest the experience of the 4 other senses via 4 pillars of global One policy as below: To illustrate this, consider how the other four senses and their respective global policy equivalents support and enhance the right to cultural and economic participation:

  1. Sight and One Visa/Passport: Sight allows individuals to perceive and explore their surroundings. The One Visa/Passport policy ensures that people can travel freely and explore different cultures, contributing to a broader understanding of global diversity. This freedom to move and experience aligns with the preservation of local heritage, as individuals can both engage with and appreciate their cultural roots while exploring new environments.
  2. Hearing and One Language: Hearing facilitates communication and understanding. The One Language policy promotes a global lingua franca while respecting local languages. This balance supports the right to cultural expression and the ability to communicate effectively across different cultures. By fostering linguistic inclusivity, this policy helps maintain local traditions and facilitates cultural exchange.
  3. Touch and One Driving License: Touch represents physical interaction with the world. The One Driving License policy ensures that individuals can navigate their environments with ease, enhancing their ability to engage in daily activities and access essential services. This mobility supports the preservation of local customs and traditions by allowing individuals to interact physically with their communities and maintain their cultural practices.
  4. Taste and One Debit Card: Taste relates to the enjoyment of food and cultural experiences. The One Debit Card policy, along with the acknowledgment of local currencies, supports economic participation and access to local markets. This policy enables individuals to indulge in and contribute to local culinary traditions while benefiting from a global economic framework.

The fundamental Role of One Global Currency and Local Currencies

This economic or financial instrument is analogous to breath as a collective – wave or global aspect and is called Global Currency, and its metaphorical meaning as an individual, particle aspect is what we call Local Currency. We do not have a single global currency yet that is available without conversion charges in every single country. Since its analogous to breath which is a collective sense – we have the right to have an access to Global Currency without any financial, social and bureaucratic constraints i.e. free of cost without getting into the complexity of money exchanges and currency fluctuations. Hence this calls for a systemic reform via adoption of one global currency which is used by maximum nations and is more resilient to global economic downturns.

– Incorporating the role of smell and breath into the concept of a global financial system:

  • One Global Currency: The adoption of a single global currency represents the universal aspect of smell and breath—something that is central and vital for everyone. Just as breath sustains life and smell connects us to our surroundings, a global currency provides a unified financial medium that facilitates seamless transactions and interactions across borders. It embodies the principle of global unity and integration, ensuring that every individual has access to a common economic framework.
  • Optional Local Currencies: While the global currency serves as a universal standard, optional local currencies reflect the individuality and uniqueness of different regions. Just as smell can vary widely depending on cultural and personal factors, local currencies accommodate regional preferences and economic conditions. This dual approach ensures that local identities and economic practices are preserved while maintaining global coherence.

Breath and Smell are thus Metaphors for freedom to express Collective Identity & Uniqueness and hence enshrined in the Global Constitutional Framework via collective use of other 4 senses and their One Policy counterparts through a social cultural economic activity. 

This activity is facilitated via a financial instrument that can be used globally via global One currency ((like Euro, used by maximum nations without any currency conversion charges in Eurozone, or USD) and is seamlessly interoperable with local currencies (GBP, Rupee, Swiss Franc etc.) without any economic, social or financial constraints.

Breath and Smell: The Foundation of Identity – The connection between smell and breath serves as a powerful symbol for identity and uniqueness. Here’s how this analogy unfolds:

  • Universality and Vitality: Breath is essential for life, and smell arises from this fundamental act. Similarly, identity and personal uniqueness are central to the human experience. Just as everyone breathes and senses the world through smell, every individual possesses a unique identity that contributes to their personal and collective essence.
  • Personal Uniqueness: Smell influences personal experiences and preferences, shaping our interactions with the environment. It connects deeply with memories and individual tastes, much like how identity reflects personal uniqueness. The distinctiveness of each person’s sense of smell underscores the individuality that each person brings to their cultural and social environments.
  • Collective Identity: On a broader scale, certain smells are associated with cultural and collective identities. Specific fragrances or aromas are tied to regional traditions and communal practices. This collective sense of smell represents shared cultural experiences and heritage, reinforcing the importance of maintaining cultural diversity within a global framework.

Integration into the Global Constitutional Framework – In the context of the Global Constitution of Earth, the sense of smell and its connection to breath can be seen as a metaphor for:

  1. Universal Inclusivity: The global currency, like breath, represents a fundamental aspect of human interaction that is universally accessible. It ensures that every individual can participate in the global economy, similar to how the ability to breathe is essential for all life. This inclusivity aligns with the principle of universal equality.
  2. Preservation of Local Diversity: Just as local smells contribute to cultural identity, optional local currencies support regional diversity and economic autonomy. This approach allows for the preservation of local heritage and practices, ensuring that global unification does not come at the expense of individual and cultural uniqueness.
  3. Balancing Unity and Diversity: The combination of a global currency and local currencies mirrors the balance between universal experiences and local distinctiveness. This balance fosters a global system where individuals and communities can thrive both collectively and uniquely.
  4. Support for Autonomy and Personal Expression: The seamless interoperability of local currencies via one global currency together support a framework where personal and collective identities can flourish. Individuals can engage with the global economy while retaining their unique cultural and regional characteristics.

The right to breathe freely and experience smell can hence be analogized to the right to maintain cultural identity and local heritage through economic activity. Just as breathing clean air is crucial for personal well-being, the preservation of socio economic cultural heritage is essential for the continuity of cultural identity. This right is supported by 4 other global one policies as discussed previously that ensure individuals can enjoy both local and global benefits without sacrificing their cultural and economic roots.

The sense of smell, through its intimate connection to breath and its role in shaping personal and collective identity, serves as a compelling metaphor for the principles underlying the Global Constitution of Earth. By adopting a global currency complemented by optional local currencies, the framework reflects the balance between universal inclusivity and local diversity.

This approach ensures that every individual has the opportunity to participate in a unified global system while preserving their unique cultural and personal identities. The integration of these concepts into the constitutional framework fosters a more equitable and harmonious global society, where the essence of individuality and collective heritage is upheld and celebrated. The enshrinement of 5 senses as policy framework in global constitution of the earth, promotes a global society that values individual autonomy, cultural diversity, and social justice. It acknowledges that true equality and freedom can only be achieved when all people have access to the experiences and opportunities as basic rights without hassles and additional costs.

It also ensures that fundamental human rights are recognized and upheld in alignment with the laws of the universe governed by principles of cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality and creator-creation equality. By addressing sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell as pillars of the global constitution, we create a framework that supports equal opportunities, inclusivity, and cultural diversity. By upholding these fundamental rights, the constitution fosters a world where everyone can thrive, contribute, and coexist in harmony.

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The sense of smell, often relegated to the background of sensory experiences, holds remarkable significance in the context of the Global One Currency Policy. As we have explored, smell is intricately linked to memory, identity, and emotional response—qualities that resonate deeply with the goals of a unified global financial system. Just as smell can evoke powerful connections to our past and shape our cultural identities, a Global One Currency has the potential to reshape economic landscapes by providing a stable and inclusive financial platform for all.

In envisioning a world where a single global currency facilitates seamless transactions and interactions, we must also consider how this policy will support and enhance cultural diversity and economic equity. Smell’s role in connecting us to our cultural roots and personal experiences underscores the importance of preserving local identities within a global framework. The integration of a Global One Currency should therefore not only address financial inefficiencies but also ensure that regional and cultural distinctions are honored and preserved.

By drawing on the analogies of smell and breath, we can better appreciate the depth and nuance of the Global One Currency Policy. Just as the scent of a place or a memory can profoundly impact our perception and emotional state, a unified financial system has the potential to profoundly affect global interactions, economic stability, and individual experiences. The success of such a policy will hinge on its ability to balance global integration with local uniqueness, ensuring that every individual can participate in and benefit from the global economy while maintaining their cultural heritage.

Ultimately, the sense of smell offers a valuable lens through which to view the impact of the Global One Currency Policy. It reminds us that at the heart of economic reforms and global unification lies a fundamental need to respect and nurture human identity and diversity. As we move towards a more interconnected world, embracing the principles of inclusivity, equality, and cultural preservation will be crucial in shaping a global financial system that serves and uplifts all individuals, fostering a harmonious and prosperous future for humanity.

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