The Pseudo Code Guide to Automate Email Reports

Learn how to efficiently generate & send daily email reports using pseudo code guide for Python automation, enhancing productivity & accuracy in your workflows


In the realm of business operations, the ability to generate and distribute reports automatically is invaluable. These reports can provide insights into key performance indicators, track progress, and ensure that critical information is disseminated in a timely manner. Automating the generation and distribution of these reports can save significant time and reduce the potential for human error. This document explores the pseudo code required to automate email reports using Python, a versatile and powerful programming language widely used for automation tasks.

The process of automating email reports involves several steps, including data collection, report generation, email composition, and scheduling the automation. Each of these steps is crucial to ensure that the reports are accurate, informative, and delivered on time. The pseudo code provided in this document will guide you through setting up an automated system that can handle these tasks efficiently.

To begin with, understanding the fundamental components of this automation is essential. The core components include a data source, a method to process and format the data into a report, and a system to send the report via email. Additionally, scheduling the automation to run at specific intervals ensures that the reports are sent consistently without manual intervention.

Python, with its extensive library support and simplicity, is an ideal choice for this task. Libraries such as smtplib for email sending, pandas for data manipulation, and schedule for task scheduling, provide robust functionality that can be leveraged to create a seamless automation system. The following sections will delve into the detailed pseudo code for each step of the process, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the workflow.

The pseudo code is structured to provide a clear, step-by-step guide to implementing the automation. Starting with the initialization of necessary libraries and configurations, it progresses through the data collection and report generation phases. Subsequently, it covers the composition and sending of the email, ensuring that the report is attached and the email is formatted correctly. Finally, the scheduling of the task ensures that the automation runs at the desired times.

This article not only provides the pseudo code but also explains each step in detail, breaking down the logic and functionality to ensure clarity. To automate daily email reports in Python, you need to understand some key concepts and system design principles. The code provided might still require minute level adjustments to match your requirements as this is high level customizable pseudo code and not the production ready code. The purpose of this pseudo code is just to explain the conceptual hierarchy of steps involved in automation of email reports. Here’s a high-level overview of the steps and the required knowledge:

1. Data Collection and Report Generation


  • Data Collection: Understand how to gather data that you need to include in your report. This could involve reading from a database, scraping a website, or simply using static data.
  • Report Generation: Learn how to structure the collected data into a report format, typically CSV or Excel. This involves creating and writing data to files.

System Design:

  • Data Source: Identify the source of your data. This could be an internal database, an external API, or another source.
  • Data Formatting: Format the data into a structured report. This typically involves writing the data into a CSV or Excel file.

2. Email Composition and Sending


  • Email Composition: Learn how to create an email message programmatically, including setting the subject, body, and attachments.
  • SMTP Protocol: Understand the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which is used to send emails from your script to the recipient.

System Design:

  • Email Client: Set up an email client in your script using an appropriate library (e.g., smtplib in Python).
  • Email Configuration: Configure the email client with the necessary details like the sender’s email address, recipient’s email address, and SMTP server details.

3. Scheduling and Automation


  • Task Scheduling: Learn how to schedule tasks to run at specific intervals or times. This is essential for ensuring that the report generation and email sending happen automatically at the desired time.
  • Automation: Understand the principles of automation to reduce manual intervention and ensure that tasks run consistently and reliably.

System Design:

  • Scheduler: Use a scheduling library (e.g., schedule in Python) to set up the task to run daily at a specific time.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling to manage potential issues, such as network failures or data source unavailability.

4. Security and Configuration Management


  • Environment Variables: Learn how to use environment variables to store sensitive information like email credentials securely.
  • Configuration Management: Understand how to manage and load configuration settings in a secure and flexible manner.

System Design:

  • Secure Storage: Store sensitive information (e.g., email credentials) in environment variables or a secure configuration file.
  • Loading Configurations: Load these configurations at runtime to ensure that your script can access the necessary information without hardcoding it.

Learning Path and Prerequisites

To write the code for automating daily email reports, you should learn and understand the following:

  1. Python Basics: Proficiency in Python programming, including file I/O, exception handling, and working with libraries.
  2. Data Handling: Knowledge of handling and processing data in Python, particularly using libraries like csv or pandas for report generation.
  3. Email Protocols: Understanding of how to send emails programmatically using SMTP and the smtplib library.
  4. Scheduling Tasks: Familiarity with scheduling libraries like schedule in Python to automate task execution.
  5. Environment Management: Using environment variables and libraries like dotenv to manage sensitive information securely.
  6. Basic Networking: Understanding basic networking concepts, particularly related to email sending (e.g., SMTP, SSL/TLS).

Example Workflow

  1. Data Collection:
    • Retrieve data from a database or an API.
    • Process and format the data.
  2. Report Generation:
    • Structure the data into a report format (e.g., CSV).
    • Save the report to a file.
  3. Email Composition:
    • Create an email message.
    • Attach the report file to the email.
  4. Email Sending:
    • Configure the SMTP client with the sender’s email credentials.
    • Send the email with the attached report.
  5. Task Scheduling:
    • Set up a scheduler to run the report generation and email sending tasks at a specific time daily.
  6. Error Handling and Logging:
    • Implement error handling to manage potential issues.
    • Log the execution status and any errors for debugging and auditing purposes.

By understanding these concepts and system design principles, you can effectively plan and implement a system to automate daily email reports using Python.

Script and Steps

Importing Libraries

import csv
from datetime import datetime
import smtplib
from email.message import EmailMessage
import os
import schedule
import time
from dotenv import load_dotenv
  • csv: This module provides functionality to work with CSV files (Comma Separated Values).
  • datetime: This module supplies classes to manipulate dates and times.
  • smtplib: This module defines an SMTP client session object that can be used to send mail to any internet machine with an SMTP or ESMTP listener daemon.
  • email.message: This module contains the EmailMessage class, which is used to create an email message object.
  • os: This module provides a portable way of using operating system-dependent functionality like reading environment variables.
  • schedule: This library lets you schedule jobs (tasks) at specific intervals.
  • time: This module provides various time-related functions.
  • dotenv: This module loads environment variables from a .env file into the environment.

Loading Environment Variables

  • load_dotenv(): This function loads environment variables from a .env file into the environment, making them accessible via os.getenv().

Retrieving Email Credentials

  • os.getenv(‘EMAIL_ADDRESS’): Retrieves the value of the EMAIL_ADDRESS environment variable.
  • os.getenv(‘EMAIL_PASSWORD’): Retrieves the value of the EMAIL_PASSWORD environment variable.

Generating the Report

def generate_report():
    data = [
        ['Date', 'Metric1', 'Metric2'],
        ["%Y-%m-%d"), '100', '200']
    filename = f'report_{"%Y_%m_%d")}.csv'
    with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)
    return filename

  • generate_report(): This function creates a CSV report.
  • data: A list of lists containing the report’s data. The first list is the header row, and the second list is a data row containing the current date and some example metrics.
  • filename: The filename for the report, which includes the current date in the format report_YYYY_MM_DD.csv.
  • with open(filename, ‘w’, newline=”) as file: Opens the file in write mode ('w'). The newline='' argument ensures newlines are handled correctly on different platforms.
  • csv.writer(file): Creates a CSV writer object.
  • writer.writerows(data): Writes the data to the CSV file.
  • return filename: Returns the filename for use in other functions.

Sending the Email

def send_email(report_file):
    msg = EmailMessage()
    msg['Subject'] = 'Daily Report'
    msg['From'] = EMAIL_ADDRESS
    msg['To'] = '[email protected]'
    msg.set_content('Please find the daily report attached.')
    with open(report_file, 'rb') as file:
        msg.add_attachment(, maintype='application', subtype='octet-stream', filename=os.path.basename(report_file))
    with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:
  • send_email(report_file): This function sends an email with the report attached.
  • EmailMessage(): Creates a new email message object.
  • msg[‘Subject’]: Sets the subject of the email.
  • msg[‘From’]: Sets the sender’s email address.
  • msg[‘To’]: Sets the recipient’s email address.
  • msg.set_content(‘Please find the daily report attached.’): Sets the body of the email.
  • with open(report_file, ‘rb’) as file: Opens the report file in binary read mode ('rb').
  • msg.add_attachment(, maintype=’application’, subtype=’octet-stream’, filename=os.path.basename(report_file)): Attaches the report file to the email. The maintype='application' and subtype='octet-stream' indicate a binary file attachment.
  • with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(‘’, 465) as smtp: Establishes an SSL-secured connection to the SMTP server at on port 465.
  • smtp.login(EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_PASSWORD): Logs in to the SMTP server using the provided email address and password.
  • smtp.send_message(msg): Sends the email message.

Job Function

def job():
    report_file = generate_report()
  • job(): This function calls generate_report() to create the report and send_email(report_file) to send it.

Scheduling the Job

  • schedule.every()“08:00”).do(job): Schedules the job() function to run every day at 8:00 AM.

Running the Scheduler

while True:
  • while True: An infinite loop to keep the script running.
  • schedule.run_pending(): Checks if there are any scheduled jobs pending and runs them if it’s time.
  • time.sleep(1): Pauses the loop for 1 second before checking again.

Full Script with Comments

By following this detailed explanation, you should have a clear understanding of each part of the script and how it works to automate sending daily email reports.

import csv  # Import the csv module to work with CSV files
from datetime import datetime  # Import datetime to work with dates and times
import smtplib  # Import smtplib to send emails
from email.message import EmailMessage  # Import EmailMessage to create email messages
import os  # Import os to work with file paths and environment variables
import schedule  # Import schedule to schedule tasks
import time  # Import time to add delays in the script
from dotenv import load_dotenv  # Import load_dotenv to load environment variables from a .env file

load_dotenv()  # Load the environment variables from the .env file

EMAIL_ADDRESS = os.getenv('EMAIL_ADDRESS')  # Get the email address from the environment variables
EMAIL_PASSWORD = os.getenv('EMAIL_PASSWORD')  # Get the email password from the environment variables

def generate_report():
    data = [
        ['Date', 'Metric1', 'Metric2'],  # Example data for the report
        ["%Y-%m-%d"), '100', '200']  # Data row with the current date
    filename = f'report_{"%Y_%m_%d")}.csv'  # Create a filename with the current date
    with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as file:  # Open the file in write mode
        writer = csv.writer(file)  # Create a CSV writer object
        writer.writerows(data)  # Write the data to the file
    return filename  # Return the filename for later use

def send_email(report_file):
    msg = EmailMessage()  # Create an email message object
    msg['Subject'] = 'Daily Report'  # Set the email subject
    msg['From'] = EMAIL_ADDRESS  # Set the sender's email address
    msg['To'] = '[email protected]'  # Set the recipient's email address
    msg.set_content('Please find the daily report attached.')  # Set the email body
    with open(report_file, 'rb') as file:  # Open the report file in binary read mode
        msg.add_attachment(, maintype='application', subtype='octet-stream', filename=os.path.basename(report_file))  # Attach the report file to the email
    with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:  # Establish an SSL-secured connection to the SMTP server
        smtp.login(EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_PASSWORD)  # Log in to the SMTP server
        smtp.send_message(msg)  # Send the email message

def job():
    report_file = generate_report()  # Generate the report
    send_email(report_file)  # Send the email

schedule.every()"08:00").do(job)  # Schedule the job every day at 8:00 AM

while True:  # Infinite loop to keep the script running
    schedule.run_pending()  # Check if there are any scheduled tasks pending
    time.sleep(1)  # Wait for 1 second before checking again


In conclusion, automating the generation and distribution of email reports using Python is a practical and efficient solution for businesses and organizations. This automation can significantly reduce the time and effort required to prepare and send reports manually, allowing staff to focus on more strategic tasks. By leveraging Python’s powerful libraries and straightforward syntax, you can create a robust system that ensures timely and accurate delivery of critical information.

The pseudo code provided in this document serves as a comprehensive guide to implementing such an automation system. It covers all essential steps, from initializing libraries and configurations to scheduling the automation task. Each step is explained in detail, ensuring that you understand not only how to implement the automation but also the underlying principles and concepts.

By following the pseudo code, you can set up an automation system that collects data, generates reports, composes emails, and sends them at scheduled intervals. The use of libraries like smtplib, pandas, and schedule allows for a modular and flexible approach, enabling you to adapt and expand the system as needed. Whether you need to pull data from different sources, format the reports in various ways, or schedule the automation at different times, the principles and structure outlined in this document provide a solid foundation.

Furthermore, this automation system can be customized to meet the specific needs of your organization. You can integrate additional functionalities, such as real-time data updates, error handling, and logging, to enhance the system’s reliability and performance. By automating email reports, you can ensure that stakeholders receive the information they need promptly and consistently, aiding in decision-making and performance tracking.

In essence, the ability to automate email reports is a powerful tool in the modern business environment. It combines the strengths of Python’s programming capabilities with the efficiency of automation, resulting in a system that saves time, reduces errors, and ensures consistent delivery of important information. The pseudo code and explanations provided in this document equip you with the knowledge and tools to build and maintain such a system, driving productivity and enhancing operational efficiency.

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